Azure Data Engineer
- Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Engineer Associate:
- Plan to manage Azure costs:
1. Introduction to data engineering on Azure
- Data engineers work with multiple types of data to perform a variety of data operations using a range of tools and scripting language.
- Types of data: Structured, Unstructured, Semi-structured.
- Data Operations: Integrations, Transformation, Consolidation
- Languague: SQL, Python, Others
- Important data engineering concepts:
- Opearational and analytical data: Transaction data used by applications, Optimized for analysis and reporting.
- Streaming data: Perpetual, real-time data feeds.
- Data pipeline: Orchestrated activities to transfer and transform data. Used to implement ETL or ELT operations.
- Data Lake: Unstructured/Analytical data stored in files distributed storage for massive scalibility.
- Data Warehouse: Analytical data in RDBS typically modeled as a star schema to optimize summary analysis
- Apache Spark: OS engine for distributed data processing
- Data engineeing in Azure
- Operaation Data > Data Ingestion/ETL > Analytical data storage and Processing > Data modeling and visualization.
2. Introduction to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
- Data Lake Storages Gen2
- Distributed cloud storage for data lakes
- Azure Data Lake storage stores data in HDFS-compatability common file system for Handoop, Spark and others.
- Flexible security through folder and files level permission.
- Built on Azure storages: High performance and scalability, Data redundancy through built-in replication.
- By enabling Hierarchical namespace will enable to use Azure Data Lake Stograge Gen2
3. Introduction to Azure Synapse Analytics
- Azure Synapse Analytics is a cloud platform for data analytics
- Large-scale data warehousing
- Advanced analytics
- Data exploration and discovery
- Real time analytics, Data integration, Integrated analytics
- Explore Azure Synapse Analytics:
- Pipelines allows to move data from one to another.
- Dedicated SQL Pool allows to create a data warehouse.
- Notebook for analyze data by python code with text descriptions.
- One of the key tasks you can perform with Azure Synapse Analytics is to define pipelines that transfer (and if necessary, transform) data from a wide range of sources into your workspace for analysis.
4. Use Azure Synapse serverless SQL pool to query files in a data lake
6. Create a lake database in Azure Synapse Analytics
- Concept:
- Relation metadata layer over files in data lake. Data is stored in files(csv, json, parquet)
- Query it using SQL (T-SQL in Serverless Pools or Spark SQL API)
- How to create: DB designer, Table Storage settings, Fields names,
- How to use: Using Serverless SQL Pool, Using Apache Spark pool
7. Analyze data with Apache Spark in Azure Synapse Analytics
- Modify and save dataframes
- Typical oprations on a dataframe (filter rows, modify columns values, derive new columns or drop columns)
- Save the transformed data (Parquet format)
- Partition data files
- Partition is an optimization technique that enables Spark to maximize the perfromance across the worker nodes.
- Partition the output file(partionBy method)
- filter perquet files in the query
- Transform data with SQL
- Define tables and views
- use SQL query and transform the data.
- Query the metastore, drop tables.
- Extnernal tables are loosly bound to underlying files and deleting the tables does not delete the file
9. Use Delta Lake in Azure Synapse Analytics
- Delta Lake
- Open-source storage layer that adds relation database semantics to Spark Serilization format
- Benefits: CRUD, Supports ACID transactions (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durablilty)
- Data versioning and time travel
- Support for batch and streaming data
- Standar formats and interoperability.
- Create Delta Lake Tables
- Creating Delta Lake table from a dataframe
- Making condition updates(update, delete, and merge operations)
- Querying a previous version of data.
- Create catalog tables
- External vs managed tabels
- A managed table is defined without a specified location, dropping the table deletes the files.
- An external table is defined for a custom file location, dropping the table does not delete the files.
- Creating catalog tables
- From a dataframe (df.write.format(“delta))
- Using SQL (Create TABLE myextTable using DELTA LOCATION ‘/delta/mytable’)
- Using DataTableBuilder API
- Use Delta Lake with Streaming Data
- Spark Structured streaming
- Streaming with Delta lake tables
- As a streaming source
- As a streaming sink
- Use Delta lake in a SQL Pool
- Querying delta formatted files with OPENROWSET
- Querying Catalog tabels.
10. Analyze data in a relational data warehouse
- Design
- Star Schema: Fact/Dimension tables
- Snowflake schema
- Dedicated SQL Pool -
- Create table
- creating a dedicated SQL Pool
- consideration of creating tables
- Load tables
- COPY Into and considerations
- Query a data warehouse
- Aggregate measures by dimension attributes.
- joins in snowflake tables.
- using Ranking functions (ROW_Number, Rank, Dense_Rank, TILE)
- Retriving an approximate count.
11. Load data into a relational data warehouse
- Load Staging tables
- Load dimension tables.
- Load time dimension tables
- Load slowly changing dimensions
- Load fact tables
- Perform post load optimization (Rebuild indexes, Update statistics)
12. Build a data pipeline in Azure Synapse Analytics
- What (Activities, Integration runtime, Linked Services, Datasets)
- How to create (Graphical design interface, Defining with JSON)
- Define data flows (Sources, Transformation)
- Run a pipepline (Immediate, Schedule, Trigger based on an event, Lineage: Integrate Synapse and MS Purview)
13. Use Spark Notebooks in an Azure Synapse Pipeline
14. Plan hybrid transactional and analytical processing (HTAP) using Azure Synapse Analytics
- HTAP Patters
- OLTP versus OLAP: OLTP(online Transaction processing) helps you manage and process real-time transactions from a single source. OLAP(Online analytical processing) uses historical and aggregated data from multiple sources
- Azure Synapse Link for Cosmos DB: Azure Synapse Link for Azure Cosmos DB is a cloud-native hybrid transactional analytical processing (HTAP) technology that enables you to run near-real-time analytics over operational data stored in Azure Cosmos DB from Azure Synapse Analytics.
- Cossmos DB Containner
- Synapse SQL and Apache Spark runtimes
- Azure Synapse Link for SQL: Replicates the table data to dedicated SQL Pool.
- Azure Syanpase Link for Dataverse: Replicates the data to Azure DL storage Gen2
- (Lab process below)
- Configure Synapse Link in Azure Cosmos DB
- Enable the Synapse Link feature in your Cosmos DB account
- Create an analytical store container
- Configure Synapse Link in Azure Synapse Analytics
- Query Azure Cosmos DB from Azure Synapse Analytics
- Query Azure Cosmos DB from a Spark pool
- Query Azure Cosmos DB from a serverless SQL pool
- Verify data modifications in Cosmos DB are reflected in Synapse
15. Implement Azure Synapse Link with Azure Cosmos DB
16. Implement Azure Synapse Link for SQL
17. Get started with Azure Stream Analytics
- Data Streams
- Examples
- Real-time clickstream data to provide recommendations.
- Telemetry data to remotely monitor manufacturing experiments.
- Credit Card transactions to detect fraud.
- Characteristics of Stream Processing Solutions.
- The source data stream is unbounded
- Support real-time automation or visualization.
- Event Processing
- Azure stream Analytics and clusters
- inputs (Azure event Hubs, IoT Hub, Blob Storage, Data Lake G2)
- Output (Data Lake, Data Warehouse, PBI, Generate filtered or summarized events)
- Queries (Select into from timestamp where…)
- Windows functions
- Tumbling, Hopping, Sliding, Session, Snapshot
18. Ingest streaming data using Azure Stream Analytics and Azure Synapse Analytics
- Stream Ingestion Scenarios
- Configure inputs and outputs (Streaming data inputs, Azure Synapse Analytics outputs, Azure Data Lake Storage G2 outputs)
- Define a query to select, filter and aggregate data (selecting fields, filtering event data)
- Run a job to ingest data (Query data in relation data warehouse, query data in a data lake)
19. Visualize real-time data with Azure Stream Analytics and Power BI
- Use a PBI output in Azure Stream Analytics > Output alias, Group workspace, Dataset/table name, Authorize connection.
- Creat a query for real-time visualization
- Creat real-time data viz in PBI > Dashboard
20. Introduction to Microsoft Purview
- About
- It is unified data-governance service
- Data mapping (Automate and manage metadata at scale)
- Data Catalog (data discovery)
- Data Estate Insights (Access data estate health)
- Data Policy (Govern access to data)
- Handling
- Loading data in the Data Map (Mapping/Scanning data)
- Browser and Search information (Semantic Search and browser, glossary & workflows)
- Data Lineage
- Lab: [Integrat Azure Synapse Analytics & MS Purview] (
21. Integrate Microsoft Purview and Azure Synapse Analytics
- Catalog Synapse data access in Purview
- Connect Purview to a synapse workspace
- Search a Purview catalog in Synapse Studio
- Track data lineage in piplelines
22. Explore Azure Databricks
- Azure Databricks is a unified, open analytics platform for building, deploying, sharing, and maintaining enterprise-grade data, analytics, and AI solutions at scale.
- Fully managed, cloud-based data analytics platform that built on Apache Spark with a web-based portal.
- Azure Databricks workloads:
- Data Science and Engineering
- Machine Learning
- SQL Warehouse
- Key Needs/concepts:
- Apache Spark Clusters - Provide highly scalable compute for dist. data processing
- Databricks File System DBFS (mount storage) - distributed shared storage for data lakes
- Notebooks - interactive env. for combining code, notes and images
- Hive metastore - provide relations abstraction layer, enabling you to define tables based on data in files.
- Delta Lake - build on the metastore to enable common relations database capabilities
- SQL Warehouse - provide relational compute endpoints for querying data in tables.
- Lab: Explore Azure Databricks
23. Use Apache Spark in Azure Databricks
- Get to know Spark
- Creae a Spark cluster: Cluster mode (Standar, High Concurrecy, Single ode)
- Use Spark in notebooks.
- Use Spark to work with data files: (Exploring data with dataframes, filtering/grouping and using SQL experssion in Spark)
- Visualize data (built-in notebook charts, using graphics pakages in code)
- Lab: Explore Azure Databricks
24. Run Azure Databricks Notebooks with Azure Data Factory